Comfort Sleeper Promotion


Save 10% on all Comfort Sleepers by American Leather. Choose from a large variety of arm styles, mattress sizes, mattress types and an enormous selection of fabrics or leathers. Custom made to your order in about 4-6 weeks. Best of all its’ Made in the USA.

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Stressless Take 10 Promotion


Receive 10% off all qualifying Stressless Products Includes Classic or Signature Recliners, Sofas, Loveseats, Sectionals and Office Chairs or Receive $400 off a Stressless Power Recliner Power recliners include Classic Power, Max and Mike and our newest model “Sam” Promotion runs through March 17th and is for in-stock or special orders.

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Storewide Sale Extended


Do to the inclement weather these last few weeks, we decided to Extend Our Storewide Winter Sale Now through Saturday, February 22nd We are continuing to add new products for 2025 and a majority are now on our showroom Fantastic Savings from 15%-50% Off our Regular Prices on In-Stock Items or SAVE 15% on Special […]

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President’s Day Brand Events


Many of our exclusive Brands are now on Sale during the President’s Day Celebration. Savings of 10-20% Storewide on In-Stock Items and 15% on Special Orders, Discounts vary per brand. Brands you come to trust for their comfort, quality and product offerings.

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Storewide Winter Sale


Our Storewide Winter Sale has begun. Now through February 17th. Lots of new products have arrived for 2025, some new brands as well. SAVE 15%-50% Off our Regular Prices on In-Stock Items or SAVE 15% on Special Orders Everyday Value Items are excluded from this sale.

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Stressless Take 10 Promotion


Receive 10% off all qualifying Stressless Products Includes Classic or Signature Recliners, Sofas, Loveseats, Sectionals and Office Chairs or Receive $400 off a Stressless Power Recliner Power recliners include Classic Power, Max and Mike and our newest model “Sam” Promotion runs through March 17th and is for in-stock or special orders.

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American Leather Motion Sale


Now through February 17th, Save 10% Off our Everyday Value Prices on Comfort all motion products by American Leather which include Comfort Air, Comfort Solace, Comfort Echo, Comfort Relax, Reinvented Recliner and SIM series. Choose from hundreds of fabrics or leathers, prices will vary. Best of all it’s Made in the USA

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Stressless Charity Event


Now through January 20th, Save $200-$400 off Stressless Seating when you donate $50 to Charity. Contemporary Galleries is supporting Norton Children’s Hospital Heart Unit as it has a special place in the owner’s hearts. Stop in our showroom for details.

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Year End Clearance Event


Savings of 40-55% OFF regular prices on a large selection of furniture, lighting and accessories that is either discontinued, scratch and dent, perfectly brand new, showroom models or product changes. Limited quantity of what is in-stock or could be the last one. HURRY in for the best selection. Here is just a sampling of some […]

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Holiday Hours


So our families can celebrate the holidays together, Contemporary Galleries will be Closing at 2pm on Tuesday December 24th and Closed on Wednesday December 25th. We will also be Closing at 4pm on Tuesday December 31st and Closed on Wednesday January 1st. All of us at Contemporary Galleries would like to wish our customers a […]

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